Everyone says the original configuration for your kernel should be in /boot/config-uname -r but the only thing I see is memtest86+.bin. Any suggestions? I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and kernel
I believe that Linode uses Xen. So your VPS is what's called a DomU. So it's possible that they are keeping the kernels in the Dom0, the privileged domain used for managing the virtual machines. If you contact Linode support I'm sure they can verify that for you.
I believe that Linode uses Xen. So your VPS is what's called a DomU. So it's possible that they are keeping the kernels in the Dom0, the privileged domain used for managing the virtual machines. If you contact Linode support I'm sure they can verify that for you.
Found it in /proc/config.gz. If you need to extract your kernel's configuration use