OS: Fedora 14 i386
It's used as a ""normal desktop laptop"".
"USER A" - it's the mainly used user, i log in with GDM with it, etc.
Goal: I need a little more security - separate a few apps!
How: run 3 applications ( Transmission, Google Chrome, Wine ) with other users ( so not with "USER A" ). But when i'm logged in ( in GUI ) with "USER A", i need icons on he's the Desktop. E.g.: just one click ( without asking for password!! ) and Google Chrome starts with another user.
How exactly can i do this? - How can i "grant" "USER A" with permissions ( securely ) so that it doesn't needs a password, when running applications with "USER B", "USER C", etc.?
Are there any howtos/docs/links?
Thank you in advance.
1 Edit sudoers: # visudo
2 Add launch button for call "gksu -u user2 /usr/bin/transmission", "gksu -u user2 /usr/bin/chromium-browser"