I just got Security+ certified and stared to care about my network (or use my newly aquired knowledge to make everything better)
I just installed Snort the open source IDS. I am having one issue erything working correctly, but the graphs in BASE have no words.
(source: theitguyrox.com)
I have googled and found no answers. Haas anyone else seen anything like this?
Like my not below, in 14.04 use:
I did this on CentOS. It looks like the PEAR::Image_Graph doesn't use the OS's default font cache.
I had to copy a font file to the Pear folder and edit a config file.
I created a "Fonts" folder in /usr/share/pear/Image/Canvas/
A copied a font file from /usr/share/fonts to the new Fonts folder
I then had to edit base_conf.php, I changed the $graph_font_name value to DejaVuLGCSerif.ttf
The above didn't work for me in Ubuntu (12.04.4). I found information here.
Basically I linked where my fonts were
to where PEAR expected them.