I have an Ubuntu server running PostgreSQL and a very light weight custom web-server.
I knew this would happen but I was too busy, and now the disk has 0 bytes free. I don't need all the data in the database and I've already deleted lots of rows in some tables, but the space won't be freed until the database is "vacuumed", and to do the vacuum I need lots of free disk space.
What can I do? This is an Amazon EC2 instance.
You could create a new EBS volume, attach it to the server, copy the postgres data to it (stopping postgres first of course) and then mount it at the same location as the old data. Make the EBS volume as big as you require and then some, and then restart postgres.
I second madhatter with a df -k output. Also, i'm not sure how Amazon EC2 works in these types of cases, but i'm sure more storage is an option.