In another Question many users recommend FlexWiki for Network Documentation. appears to be down. I was able to download the latest package from, but cannot find installation instructions.
Config: Win2k3 w/ IIS 6.
Thanks in Advance
This comes from the 'cached' link of a google search with "Flexwiki QuickSetup". Google says this was cached on 27th March 2009.
what follows is a cut-and-paste from the google cached page. Sorry for the formatting mess.
What you need first
later on we will refer to the shared folder as fwfolder.
Giving rights
Now, you are ready to use your flexwiki with a default namespace, try it! (Always use the same domainname in the url, or the cache will mess up links. Eg. don't use http://localhost/flexwiki , just ).
Configuring a namespace
If you are open to alternatives, i have used WampServer and found it quite easy to setup on windows (even desktop systems).
It includes Apache, MySQL and PHP. MySQL is now owned by Sun Microsystem so you might want to check licensing details.