I am setting up CKAN, a pylons application according to these instructions: http://packages.python.org/ckan/deployment.html
But when I point to the server (no DNS setup yet) using IP or hostname, I only see apache's greeting page, sugesting the ckan app is not being loaded.
here is my mod_wsgi script:
import os
instance_dir = '/home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br'
config_file = 'ckan.emap.fgv.br.ini'
pyenv_bin_dir = os.path.join(instance_dir, 'pyenv', 'bin')
activate_this = os.path.join(pyenv_bin_dir, 'activate_this.py')
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))
from paste.deploy import loadapp
config_filepath = os.path.join(instance_dir, config_file)
from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig
application = loadapp('config:%s' % config_filepath)
here is my virtual host configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName dck093
ServerAlias dck093
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin/ckan.emap.fgv.br.py
# pass authorization info on (needed for rest api)
WSGIPassAuthorization On
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ckan.emap.fgv.br.error.log
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ckan.emap.fgv.br.custom.log combined
<Directory /home/flavio/var/srvc/ckan.emap.fgv.br/pyenv/bin>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
I try to disable the 000-default site (with a2dissite), but that dind't help.After doing this I get an Internal server error page, but no log message. Can anyone point out what am I missing?
if you are using IP to access the server, you should have
with the IP you are using or the virtualhost won't load.I found out that the debug feature of Pylons does not work with the default multi-process configuration of apache mod_wsgi.
see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5485790/mod-wsgi-pylons-ckan-installation-not-working
for more details.