I have a static index.html with css and images. I uploaded a fresh index.html with fixes but the content was not showing - the page/changes were not visible/refreshed. If I look into the source I can see that image paths has been changed into strange long "cache-like" paths.
E.g. from
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="http://mydomain.com/stylesheets/screen.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="http://mydomain.com/stylesheets/cc.2c251d9cae64435f25c60ee79fc472a4.screen,s+jquery,oprettyPhoto,s?123.css">
It is not browser's issue because the response in the console is the same.
How can I fix that?
UPDATE: I use mod_expires and mod_pagespeed.
OK... I see now... mod_pagespeed is causing problems. Somehow it does not refresh content.