we have configured syslog/syslog-ng to export Apache logs ton a dedicated log server, for security and log check reasons.
But I want to keep a copy of the error log on Apache server for easy understanding in case of problem. Here is the configuration file
ErrorLog /space/www/vhost/data/logs/errors.log
ErrorLog "|/usr/bin/logger -t vhost_error -p local6.info"
CustomLog /space/www/vhost/data/logs/access.log combined
CustomLog "|/usr/bin/logger -t vhost_access -p local6.info" combined
The access.log is on both servers (apache one and log one), but the errors.log is only on the log server. I don't figure out why. Maybe I can configure syslog on the Apache server to write local log AND send it to the log server?
The ErrorLog directive can not be used multiple times.
You should configure syslog to keep a local copy.