I have the following spec file (below), I want to add to the Source - /root/calculate.sh
How do I add second source ?
For example
Source: /root/test.sh /root/calculate.sh
( is illegal)
The SPEC file
Summary: An example tool. To show a simple rpm build of the tool.
Name: test.sh
Version: 6.2
Release: 2
Source: /root/test.sh
URL: http://www.gnomovision.com/cdplayer/cdplayer.html
Group: Development/Debuggers
License: OtherLicense
rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/home
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/home/home1
cp %SOURCE0 %{buildroot}/home
cp %SOURCE0 %{buildroot}/home/home1
%pre -p /bin/ksh
uname -a
%post -p /bin/ksh
uname -a
print "Now we wait for sleep" ; sleep 1
print $NUM
You can find this information on TLDP's RPM-HOWTO