I'm trying to remove the special attribute from the folder C:\windows\tasks using the command attrib -s C:\windows\tasks however I'm getting:
Access denied - C:\windows\Tasks
I am a local administrator on the server (It's Windows 2003 SP2) and I didn't find any special GPO applied to those settings.
What other reasons could be causing this behavior?
You could try a solution like this, with cacls, or use the more-powerful subinacl tool which may well let you do it in-place.
try taking ownership of the file/directory. you might use takeown from w2003 resource toolkit.
You can also try booting up in safe mode or command prompt mode and trying it.
pQd is correct, Ownership is likely the issue here.
I'd try using the Win2K3 native Ownership tools before a third party tool. Right click on the folder, and select Properties, select the Security Tab, then Click on the Advanced Button, and select the Ownership tab. From here you can reassign ownership to yourself, applying the changes to child objects if necessary.
Then you should be able to make the changes you are looking for.
Why do you need to remove the system attribute from the system folder? You'll notice that it has a shell special icon indicting it is the tasks location. Take ownership if th asks folder and you should be able to change it.