Is there a defined rule when to use underneath and when to use above when describing a child directory? I have encountered (and used) both:
Make sure the config file is stored above the web root.
(= outside the web root, not a child of it); also
Underneath the images folder, I have three sub-folders: Photographs, Illustrations and Thumbnails.
But I have heard it being used the other way round, too:
How to open files located under the webroot?
(referring to files outside the web root)
is there a correct one? Does this differ from OS to OS? How to avoid confusion?
I have always known it as
I have never heard otherwise. Your two examples don't really contradict, either.
I'm surprised that you would ask, actually.
The analogy is with depictions of family trees where the parents are shown above the children.
I too have never heard any other interpretation.
(if someone knows of a family tree shown with the parents below the children it's upside down)