When running "echo ::memstat | mdb -k" I get this result:
Page Summary Pages MB %Tot ------------ ---------------- ---------------- ---- Kernel 2349789 9178 14% ZFS File Data 4251652 16608 25% Anon 8101424 31646 48% Exec and libs 51583 201 0% Page cache 1018684 3979 6% Free (cachelist) 5049 19 0% Free (freelist) 992659 3877 6% Total 16770840 65511 Physical 16323297 63762
Everything I read online says that the the file system caching layer (ARC) in ZFS is "ZFS File Data". What does "Page cache" stand for? Why is it so large then?
I'm sorry if this is a basic question, but no google search I tried turned up any reasonable results.
Even when installed with a ZFS root disk, Solaris systems still make use of other filesystems that are not ZFS. For instance, tmpfs will use the VM page cache.
The Page cache is the file system cache for non ZFS file systems. It's size will be as big as the system thinks it needs to be.
The page cache is for non ZFS file system (i.e. for example UFS) caching. I suspect you are not 100% ZFS.