What exactly is the difference between a VPS (Virtual Private Server), a Cloud Server, and a Dedicated Server? I'm having trouble finding a concise explanation that isn't littered with advertising.
What exactly is the difference between a VPS (Virtual Private Server), a Cloud Server, and a Dedicated Server? I'm having trouble finding a concise explanation that isn't littered with advertising.
VPS and Cloud are the same damn thing.
A dedicated server is a physical box sitting in a rack somewhere that is not shared with anyone else, that you can do whatever you want with.
A dedicated server is a full server to which you have exclusive, guaranteed access.
A VPS provides you with similar levels of administrative control as a dedicated server, but is powered by one of a number of technologies, either full virtualization (Xen, VMWare) or single-image segmentation (OpenVZ) to give you the illusion of exclusive access to what is really a shared resource (and almost always oversubscribed in many ways)
Traditionally, dedicated servers and VPSes are billed on a fixed cost for a time span. Dedicated servers in particular require investment on the part of the provider, and may be leased on a contract with a minimum duration.
A Cloud server is technically just a VPS, but it has some differences in billing and provisioning:
Other services may be marketed as 'cloud': what was 'hosted email' before is now Cloud Email (Service-as-a-Service); some shared webhosting providers are relabeling their services similarly.
Good use cases for cloud servers are short-duration peak loads: services with hourly billing allow you more flexibility to create and destroy systems as needed. Constant load setups, which will always be running, may not be economical to run in a Cloud environment; applications that have constant sustained high load are unfriendly to a provider's over-subscription model, and may be better suited for a dedicated server.
A VPS is usually refering to a virtual machine that only your apps run on. A dedicated server is usually physical server dedicated to you. a Cloud server is a way for the marketing idiots to get the world cloud out there as a VPS. All of these are forms of IAAS - infrastructure as a service. In doing a tiny bit a research and found one provider marketing PAAS as a cloud server (gogrid) PAAS is platform as a service. Typical PAAS offerings are Microsoft Azure, Amazon beanstalk, and google appengine.
No Cloud and VPS are not exactly same thing, anyone who wants to downvote, please read below first...
On other hand,
For the purposes of this discussion, a VPS and "Cloud Server" are the exact same thing - you don't get exclusive access to hardware but rather, the host hardware gets shared between two or more virtual servers.
A dedicated server is just that - your OS instance gets 100% exclusive access to the underlying hardware.
VPS is generally a marketing term used by Internet hosting service providers. A VPS is a virtual machine that is exclusively used by an individual customer while a dynamic VPS (that is, it can be changed at runtime) is often referred as a cloud server. Dedicated servers are most often housed in data centers and are entirely leased by the client. Client have full control over dedicated servers including choice of operating system, hardware etc.
I would summarize it like this:
BTW, the last hype word as far as I remember was "Organic", and there were plenty of idiots who used it indiscriminately for same foolish reasons. You may remember organic computers, organic monitors, organic water, organic gasoline... I wonder if it was FDA approved :-)
From my understanding, the difference is simple:
A dedicated server is a box sitting in a rackspace in a data center. So if it fails then your website or web application running in it fails, unless you have some kind of backup or distributed server handling facility available which is tedious and expensive to maintain.
On the other hand a Cloud is like a VPS (Virtual server) which is spread across multiple data centers spread across multiple physical locations like states, countries or even continents, so if one data center fails then it will be instantly switched to another data center, this also happens if the resources required to handle a sudden increase in traffic or the available storage in one data center are running out. All these tasks are handled automatically by the cloud, so you dont have to dedicate any resources for maintaining the infrastructure yourself which results in significant cost savings. So the end user can smoothly access your website or web application any time any day under any load if it is hosted in a cloud.
So to summarize a cloud offers virtualisation of OS, dynamic resource allocation, redundant backups, zero tolerance fail over switching to make a web application / Web site run continuously without fail under any circumstances.
Brilliant Idea isn't it. That's why it has been touted as the next big thing in the web application development world and also next computing gold rush.