I have Slackware 13.1 and due to some bugs on the current version of the MySQL it comes with, I have to upgrade it. Since Slackware does not have 5.5 and I am upgrading I have decided to go with 5.5.x.
I have tried downloading the generic and non generic tarball but none have the ./configure; make; make install
Could some one explain to me what is the process to build the MySQL from tarball or if there is still a version with ./configure
that I can use with SlackBuild script to build it ?
SlackBuild script:
The configure and make commands are development tools that you must install separably from building mysql. To build mysql, you almost certainly need the standard set of development tool, autoconf, gnu make, gcc, glib, and you almost certainly need a few dozen various libraries, and the appropriate headers.
I know a Debian requires these packages installed to build the mysql binaries.
If you haven't built packages before then you may find it much easier to just going with the generic mysql binary. Installing MySQL from Generic Binaries on Unix/Linux
MySQL is one of those HUGE frameworks that has many dependencies... Unless you are comfortable at finding & resolving those dependencies... you probably should stick with one of the many binary releases. (one such from here: http://pkgs.org/package/mysql#slackware-13.1)