My Centos 5 VM is drifting time.
I have scoured different answers to solve this problem.
I've looked at the VMWare's tips and added tinker panic 0
on top of my ntp.conf file. I also changed the kernel parameters to:
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.32.1.el5 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 notsc divider=10 clocksource=acpi_pm
It worked for a while and then I recently restarted my machine and it is back to its old ways again. I'm not sure how to make it work again even though I followed the same procedure as last time.
Any ideas?
Here is how my ntpq -pn looks like:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
============================================================================== 2 u 32 64 377 68.894 38873.7 5711.48 2 u 35 64 177 135.991 45598.7 10745.4 2 u 38 64 377 76.782 43291.2 8170.13 2 u 32 64 377 83.523 34288.8 6679.24
I feel like a complete moron. Just realized I was loading the wrong default kernel on grub and the grub options had a misspelling in one of the values. I fixed it now and it is working...
For those who are curious, I mispelled:
Lesson learned.
Is this a x86 or x86_64 kernel? I see you have already gone through the VMWare documentation - have you tried setting "clock=pit"?
I have seen this specific behavior when using AMD CPUs, although it has been a while (specifically, I saw it on AthlonXP and Athlon64 CPUs about 6-8 years ago), and was only able to fix it by then by completely disabling any sort of CPU power management affecting the TSC on the host system (this would be anything that alters the CPU clock frequency), and forcing my Linux guests to run with "clock=pit". Intel chips to my knowledge never were affected - I guess their TSC implementation was better.
Have you looked at VMWare's Timekeeping best practices for Linux guests?
Try either
in your bootloader config.
You'll also want to try:
to stop contention between the VMWare guest tools and NTPd.
Your ntpq output is missing any symbol to the left of the upstream hosts to indicate what your ntp server thinks of them.
Normally, one of them will have a * next to it and the others will have a + or a - The * is the currently chosen time source, + is a candidate and - has been excluded from the candidates. There are other symbols but you rarely see them.
A lack of symbols suggests to me that your ntp server is not trying to set its own time from any other servers and this is probably due to permissions.
Check out any "restrict" lines in your config or feel free to add them to your question.