i have a few remote environments where i can only connect from outside but not from inside to outside. for my deployments/configuration needs i used fabric and capistrano that works fine but I have pressure to use a complete configuration system as puppet or chef.
is there a way i can push specific commands via puppet or chef ? (please keep in mind that the remote hosts can not connect to my site where i would have the puppet/chef server)
You can use mcollective to run remote commands. You have to install a client on each puppet client though.
Note that mcollective also requires an activemq server.
At the risk of reviving an old thread, check out Ansible for running arbitrary commands over a set of hosts. Set up a hosts file with a group named "all" and then type
ansible all -a "/bin/echo hello"
to see the results.Chef has a "deploy" resource that can be used to do a fabric/capistrano style of deployment. It is documented here with examples:
Guides for more sophisticated fully automated setup and deployment can be found on the Opscode knowledge base.
Django and Rails application deployment examples are used.