Is there an stsadm()
command (or some other method) that will show everywhere that a Solution is being used. I would like to get the results in a list using either the solution GUID or the fully qualified name (like CorasWork.Workplace.WebParts.ActionLauncher...)
I found the stsadm()
operation enum solutions which was very helpful, but it does not show you what sites or pages that a control is being used on.
How can I get that information?
No there isn't an out of the box way of doing this - you'd have to code it. Now this isn't a sales pitch and the tool isn't commercially available or even commercial quality but I do have a content analysis tool I wrote that does what you ask and a lot more besides. Basically I use the tool to analyse new clients farms and especially close to a migration so that I know what lives where and have a grasp on the types of content they store and how well they store it. ANyway, as an example here is a snippet of what you might do:
The easy thing to do would be to report on which SITES or WEBS were using a feature / solution. Harder would be per-page - you'd extend this to go through each page in the library and inspect the metadata to esatblish the features being used.