I've hit problems installing munin on Centos 6. This seems to be a conflict between parts of Perl. I think the version of Perl is newer on Centos 6 (v5.10.1)
When installing munin via yum I get errors relating to perl dependencies as below. I'm not a big enough whiz at yum or rpm to figure out the issue. Munin documentation does not yet talk about installing to Centos 6.0
Error: Package: munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(Net::SNMP)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: bitstream-vera-fonts
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(HTML::Template)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl-Net-SNMP
Error: Package: munin-common-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-common-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.8)
Error: Package: munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(DBI)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(Log::Log4perl)
Error: Package: munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(LWP::Simple)
Error: Package: munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.8)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(RRDs)
Error: Package: munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-node-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl-Net-Server
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(Date::Manip)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.8.8)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl-Net-Server
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(CGI::Fast)
Error: Package: munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch (/munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch)
Requires: perl(Time::HiRes)
You need to install the required Perl modules before installing munin.
A potential problem is that you're trying to install EPEL5 packages on CentOS6. You should get your packages from EPEL6.
You can find the latest repo rpm at: http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm
Once it starts installing and looking for the correct packages, things should get easier.
RPM package names that have '.el5' are for Centos5 or RHEL5. Instead of trying to install munin-1.4.2-0.rpl1.el5.noarch, which is meant for Centos5 or RHEL5, you need to install the Centos6 version of munin.
You could try using
to work around the problem.You could try running:
rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest