In Ubuntu, I have two ethernet interfaces eth1 and eth3 that I want to call "foo0" and "foo1", respectively. Basically, I want something like "ip link alias DEVICE SECONDNAME". Is there a way to do this without mucking in the kernel?
In Ubuntu, I have two ethernet interfaces eth1 and eth3 that I want to call "foo0" and "foo1", respectively. Basically, I want something like "ip link alias DEVICE SECONDNAME". Is there a way to do this without mucking in the kernel?
In Ubuntu you can change the name of interfaces in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. That would be far and away the simplest solution.
If there is a real need for the interface to be aliased as foo0 rather than be renamed then you can do something dirty with bridge-tools.
then edit your /etc/network/interfaces file to be something like..