I run a technical mailman list with a lot of subscribers on it. One company, whose presence on the list is highly desirable, has many of its readers subscribed by an internal "exploder" list; that is, a single address which is itself an internal mailing list is subscribed to my list.
The problem is that people who want to get off the exploder keep accidentally unsubscribing the exploder from the main list, instead of unsubscribing themselves from the exploder.
I have a good working relationship with the tech guys at that company, and they're asking me if there's a way to lock a single subscriber (ie, the exploder) to a mailman list, and prevent just that subscriber unsubscribing without administrative oversight.
I am unsure what version of mailman you are running, but according to the documentation for v2
You could set "Should administrator get notices of subscribes/unsubscribes?" and have a filter on the administrator account that automatically re-subscribes them if they leave.