I need to configure 3-node cluster with shared GFS2 filesystem. GFS2 needed as common Documentroot for apache behind the balancer. Can you suggest some guide on how to configure corosync+pacemaker+GFS2 on RHEL/SL 6.1? BTW I don't need DRBD as I have iSCSI as a shared block device.
I haven't seen how 6.1 changes things, I've only done it with 6.0, but this is what worked for me:
service start ricci
), entering a password when promptedservice start luci
) on one nodeAt this point you have a cluster. Ensuring the cluster services come on after a reboot is a very good idea at this point.
Now for the GFS side.
mkfs.gfs -p lock_dlm -t ClusterName:ResourceName -j # /dev/your/device
When mounting the GFS device, ensure that "netdev" is listed in the options in fstab since GFS can't mount until after the network and cluster is established.
I updated Clusters from Scratch a couple of days ago to reflect the removal of gfs-pcmk. Just ignore the parts about drbd since you have iSCSI.
In particular, you'll want the section starting at: http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Clusters_from_Scratch/ch08.html which details how to use the 'standard' cman versions of gfs_controld and dlm_control with Pacemaker.
Also keep an eye out for package updates in 6.2, the Pacemaker/CMAN integration gets another boost.