EDIT: i've reinstalled with Ubuntu server and it's not working as it should. Was never comfortable with Gentoo anyway ;)
I'm a Gentoo noob so please be gentle :)
I'm trying to install APC on a Gentoo (2006) based LAMP stack provided on a VPS by my host. I've run
emerge -av php5-dev/pecl-apc
to install it, and it appears to be compiled etc properly. EDIT: Here's the last several lines of the emerge: http://pastebin.com/MMjtjhrz
I've added these lines to /usr/local/lib64/php5/php.ini:
apc.enabled = 1
apc.shm_size = 32
and restarted Apache (which restarts fine, suggesting okay config), but APC doesn't run. Can't see it in phpinfo() or using php -m.
EDIT: not sure if it matters, but the .so files are located in /usr/local/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/, which seems a bit bizarre. Suhosin is in there too, but it's not running either.
Can anyone help? Much appreciated! :)
to php.ini did the trick!