We have a TSLS (2008 SP2, not R2) issuing both 2003 and 2008 Per Device CALs. I have no Issues with the 2008 CALs. It has 5 or so batches of 2003 CALs, and hands out some (group A), but not others (group B). When CALs run out on group A, it doesn't grab CALs from Group B, and throws error 22. Of note, this for a Citrix xenapp implementation.
This is what the event log says:
Log Name: System
Source: Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Licensing
Event ID: 22
Task Category: None
Level: Warning
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
The Terminal Services license server "TS licensing server name" does not have any
Terminal Services client access licenses (TS CALs) installed and registered with
the Microsoft Clearinghouse for product "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per
Device CAL Token". Therefore, the Terminal Services license server cannot issue TS
CALs of the type "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Server Per Device CAL Token" to
the terminal server "IP of a TS". To resolve this problem, install additional TS
CALs as required.
When you say group a vs. b, are you reffering to different servers or different groups of CALs?
if it's the former, i would confimr that your terminal server can see both TSL servers (meaning A and B). Forget off the top of my hand where in LDAP it is, but theres an entry (site level) that stores what TSL servers are avaialabe.
If it's the latter, i would simply call the MS clearing house and get both groups combined into a single group of CALs.