Malnizzle Asked: 2011-10-28 10:24:26 +0800 CST2011-10-28 10:24:26 +0800 CST 2011-10-28 10:24:26 +0800 CST List of Different Directory Sizes 772 I have a list of folders on my network in a .txt, which are stored in different locations throughout the network. Looking for a tool or script to pull the size of those folders and output them to a txt/cvs files. windows scripting directory 2 Answers Voted Mitch 2011-10-28T10:58:10+08:002011-10-28T10:58:10+08:00 I think Disk Usage will do that for you. At a minimum you can whip up a script that uses it to do what you want. Best Answer jftuga 2011-10-28T11:15:19+08:002011-10-28T11:15:19+08:00 @echo off for /f %%d in (dirlist.txt) do ( @echo %%d du -q %%d | findstr /B "Size.*disk" @echo. ) You can get the du program from Sysinternals Disk Usage
I think Disk Usage will do that for you. At a minimum you can whip up a script that uses it to do what you want.
You can get the du program from Sysinternals Disk Usage