Is there a binary of Pipe Viewer (`pv`) for Windows?
I read about the Pipe Viewer (pv) Linux utility, and it sounds really useful. I use plenty of Linux tools on Windows, but this one doesn't seem to be part of the msysgit suite that I use.
I have stumbled over this question today, as I am looking the same kind of tool for Windows.
I didn't found one for Windows, but I found that answer from Stackoverflow, and the solution is just to use the one from Cygwin.
Here is the quote from there:
I finally made it work on Cygwin environment though that is not answer for the original post. "--disable-nls" does the trick.
I have stumbled over this question today, as I am looking the same kind of tool for Windows. I didn't found one for Windows, but I found that answer from Stackoverflow, and the solution is just to use the one from Cygwin.
Here is the quote from there:
It is already available as a cygwin package for 32 and 64 bits.
Pipeviewer for Cygwin 32 bits:
Pipeviewer for Cygwin 64 bits: