I modified a Canonical ubuntu image on a t1.micro sized instance, saved the EBS boot image, and am now trying to re-start it using a slightly larger instance.
The only instances available (for regular and spot requests) are:
- t1.micro
- m1.large
- etc...
Why can I not start an m1.small or m1.medium sized instance?
Micro instances are too weak, but a m1.large is too powerful...
The t1.micro instance type supports both 32-bit and 64-bit AMIs.
m1.small and c1.medium only support 32-bit AMis at this time.
All the rest (larger) instance types only support 64-bit AMIs.
You created a 64-bit AMI, so it will run on t1.micro and the larger instance types, but not on m1.small or c1.medium. You would need to create a 32-bit AMI to run on those types (including t1.micro which can run either).