I have made a complete application solution built on top of ubuntu.
Now that I have this ready; i'm looking to make my very own install of ubuntu (the smallest footprint possible with only the very bare minimal packages that my application requires).
My application consisty mainly of a mysql server, php, proftp and nginx (plus some other bash scripts).
The idea would be to have a clean & lean installer that will install everything so that i can redistribute this 'application' with a simple installation cd (easier for the end user).
I've stumbled upon Ubuntu Minimal Remix (http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.org/)
Which seems a good starting point; but it's a live cd; I can install my whole application framework on it, no problem. But then, i don't know how to make an installer or how to build the iso that will actually install my "appliance".
I'd appreciate any simple guidelines or directions to get me started.
It me me quite some time to figure out how remastering worked. I finally got the hang of it and wrote down the steps used to create my first live CD with installer. I want to thank Pilolli Pietro for this google code wiki page: http://code.google.com/p/ardesia/wiki/Create_a_live_distro.
This line is specifically used to add an installer (executed from the context of the remix):
All steps I took are below. I know some stuff is missing, but it's more to get an idea of how this works.
How to customize an install CD:
Here is the official documentation:
You'll find examples scripts here: