I have a COM+ component on a different server, but when I made an update to one these components then it stopped working. How to configure MSDTC?
From the application log:
A caller has attempted to propagate a transaction to a remote system, but MSDTC network DTC access is currently disabled on machine 'NACHINE11'. Please review the MS DTC configuration settings.
But it doesn't look so in Windows Server 2008 R2. Is it located somewhere else?
On Windows Server 2008 R2, you can enable DTC and DTC network access by installing the "Application Server" role and the related role services.
The primary settings are configured under Admin Tools/Component Services..
From there, expand Component Services/My Computer/Distributed Transaction Coordinator/Local DTC and right click to show properties.
Specifically, compare the “security settings” tab as that determines who and what can access the DTC.