First something about the infrastructure:
We have migrated one of our backend/admin servers to amazon. The applications on this server are only used sporadically (max. 10 parallel users). We are using a t1.micro instance running Gentoo. As Webserver we are using nginx in combination with PHP-FPM. The problem is that sometimes the server is dead slow that means a page needs 10-20sec to load (max 2sec on my local dev environment, and these pages are heavy ... 80mb+). I tried to analyze and reproduce the error but only figured out the memory is okay (270mb free) while cpu load is at 100%
nginx has 2 workers and max. 1024 connections.
PHP-FPM (I removed the comments)
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm.log
; Pool Definitions ;
listen =
user = www
group = www
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 8
pm.start_servers = 2
pm.min_spare_servers = 2
pm.max_spare_servers = 4
pm.max_requests = 100
I hope some one has a clue what to do :)
EC2 micro instances provide short bursts of CPU, not constant CPU power. This is the expected behavior. micro instances will only provide full CPU power for a few minutes at most then they limit it back to about 5-10% capacity. If you look in
you'll see a high value for 'st', this is CPU steal from the hypervisor (I.E. CPU you can't use/is thin provisioned).-Amazon
Take a look at where you will find detailed information on t1.micro and how it comares to other instance types (like m1.small). It will help to understand the instance's behaviour.
Short: As soon as you exceed the "short burst" phase you will be getting a high amount of cpu 'st' (shown with
) which is slowing down everything.