Was doing a package update and it ended a process and hung so I rebooted the server and now it will not allow me to perform any more updates.
I tried the following to no avail:
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get install -f (I get a message: E: DPKG was interrupted, you must manually run sudo dpkg --configure -a to correct the problem)
sudo dpkg --configure -a (I get the following - which is where it got stuck the first time)
'Setting up citadel-server (8.03- 1)'
'sendcommand: started (pid=1692) running in 504'
'Attaching to server...'
'domain Citadel server ready'
'Authentication as an internal program.'
'231 Shutting down server. Goodbye.'
sendcommand: processing ended.'
Then it all freezes and does nothing. It looks like a orphaned processes and it locks the dpkg and the citadel-server and so my mail no longer works. forcing me to reboot the server to get it back to work.
How do I fix the index so I can do future updates? Snaptic package also will not work.
Thank you
In /var/lib/dpkg/info each package keeps some scripts:
To complete package installation process, .preinst and .postinst scripts should be run for each unpacked package. If those scripts finish with errors,
interrupts. Find that scripts for citadel-server package and investigate why they don't work. Or just replase them with empty scripts with success exit status, rundpkg --configure -a
and remove citadel-server.