Sometimes when installing a package, aptitude recommends several other packages.
Is there a way to show all previous recommended packages of all installed packages?
Thanks for the replys so far. I already tried:
aptitude show ~i | grep '^Recommends' | cut -d ' ' -f 2-
Thats mostly ok. But it gives also things back like:
console-setup | console-data (>= 2002.12.04dbs-1)
I want an easy way, to install all missing recommended packages.
aptitude install console-setup | console-data (>= 2002.12.04dbs-1)
won't work ;-)
Is there a way, without manual checking all entries, to do this?
Synaptic -> Custom Filters -> Missing Recommends
aptitude search '~RBrecommends:~i'
(thanks to
Maybe there's a more elegant way, but this works for me,
another suggestion:
@EightBitTony: awk is also very good in searching, try this:
Here my way - report for missing recommends :)
Get a list of installed packages with missing recommended package:
aptitude search '?installed?broken-recommends'
Get a list of not installed, missing packages that are recommended by installed packages - "missing recommends":
aptitude search '?broken-reverse-recommends(?installed)'
Get which package is recommending a specific "missing recommend":
aptitude search '?installed?broken-recommends(MISSING_PKG_NAME)'
One liner: For all "missing recommends", get by which packages are recommended:
for p in $(aptitude search -F%p '?broken-reverse-recommends(?installed)'); do echo $p; aptitude search "?installed?broken-recommends($p)"; done
You can find "missing recommends" in Synaptic package manager. (As I see, Synaptic shows also the missing Suggested packages.)
You can install all "missing recommends" with one command but I do not recommend it! First, review the list of packages before install. (For example, fresh install of debian buster shows missing "default-mta", which is a virtual package.)
apt install $(aptitude search -F%p '?broken-reverse-recommends(?installed)')
(This is summary from few similar questions. Hope it will help someone else.)