A Windows Serve 2003 machine logged an error in Event Viewer with the COM+ Event System, saying it could not marshal the subscriber for a particular subscription and then gave the SID/GUID, which is:
{DF540FFA-D787-4FDF-82E4-4BD5C1302F23}-{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}-{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}. The HRESULT was 800706BB.
I don't quite understand the error.
I'm trying to look up the GUID to find the application.
I tried opening up the registry and searching for it but it didn't find anything. A google research revealed I need to load the cluster database in the registry and look up the GUID. The problem is I cannot find the CLUSDB file. It is not in %SystemRoot%\Cluster.
What do I need to do to identify the application in question?
Open up regedit and search for the key under:
And the default key should provide you a user friendly name.
Run dcomcnfg or comexp.msc. (They're the same thing.)
Expand Component Services, Computers, My Computer, COM+ Applications
Right click on one of the installed components and click Properties.
The UUID or GUID or whatever you want to call it of your application is there.
When opening Component Services, as Ryan Ries suggests, You can quickly see the Application IDs of every COM application like this:
Do note that the error message you're seeing might correspond to an App ID as Ryan anticipates, or to a CLSID, as sverach suggests. I'm not really sure. I got a different error message that contained both.