If I have a RAID array and I switch out the controller to a newer controller, does this destroy the array?
E.g. I have 6 drives as 1 RAID0 array. If I upgrade the controller to a different one, but don't configure anything, should I be able to plug the old controller back in and the array would be unharmed?
Depends on the controller.
Modern controllers should take over the RAID between models as they store the RAID config on disc and maintain a compatible metabase. Adaptec for example does it so.
Others can be handcoded to accept the old arrays.
Some can not.
RTFM - read the .... manual - is the only solution here. It is documented there. If not, ask the controllers manufacturer.
The major enterprise-level vendors use a common metadata format across their own product lines - HP, Dell, Adaptec, 3ware, Areca, LSI, etc - but given the criticality, it doesn't hurt to confirm this with the vendor.
You will not find any compatibility if you cross brands, guaranteed.
Generally speaking: No, this will not work, but might work when you use a newer model from the same vendor. The reason is that the on-disk structure of a hardware RAID controller is proprietary.
When in doubt, contact vendors support.