I've installed a fresh copy of the latest CentOS via iLO (HP's integrated lights out 2). The setup type was Web Server. My server doesn't seem to be able to connect to the Internet anymore. I've lost the old settings for DHCP and hostname but I have the old settings for eth0
and DNS server, still there's something else I should be doing to be able to use wget, yum, ping and to have SSH access from other locations, but I can't seem to find what that is.
Any pointers? Thanks.
Edit: route command:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
xx.xx.68.0 * U 0 0 0 eth0
link-local * U 1002 0 0 eth0
Note that the server IP is xx.xx.68.176, should I change the route?
I'd say you are missing the default route - sometimes called the gateway.
Do a
Or follow what @ewwhite said you should configure your network properly because there are scripts like if-up,if-down that take care of interface mishaps like yours
EDIT: Even better after @Lucas' comment go to your /etc/network/interface and add
You can always send a new request to your dhcp server by doing which will get lost after a reboot
or by adding to your /etc/network/interface
Can you run
, fill in your network configuration information and restart the network services?/sbin/service network restart