We have an Exchange 2010 SP2 system consisting of a single Mailbox/Hub/CAS server and a single Edge server. The MHC server is exposed to Internet users via a TMG 2010 reverse proxy.
All Exchange web services use a public FQDN in an old DNS domain that we are replacing with a new one; let's call the current public FQDN of the server webmail.olddomain.com
and the new one webmail.newdomain.com
We already bought a new certificate for webmail.newdomain.com
(with also the internal server name as a SAN).
Now, what is the best course of action to replace all Exchange external URLs without adversely affecting our users? A simple HTTP redirection should work for OWA, but I'm quite concerned about Outlook Anywhere users (we have lots of them).
This is what I did:
End result:
To be done: after some time, remove the old publishing rule from TMG and install the real public certificate on the Exchange server instead of the temporary one.