I need to change selinux to "permissive mode" on a production server without a reboot, but setenforce wont let me do it(as a root), it always prints "setenforce: SELinux is disabled" What i'm doing wrong?
[root@server3 ~]# setenforce 0
setenforce: SELinux is disabled
[root@server3 ~]# setenforce 1
setenforce: SELinux is disabled
[root@server3 ~]# setenforce Permissive
setenforce: SELinux is disabled
[root@server3 ~]# getenforce
can only be used to change the mode SELinux is running in. It cannot be used to enable SELinux.So, SELinux must first be enabled as follow:
then change
and reboot.
After reboot, you should have
setenforce 0 (Does not require reboot) and then check sestatus