I'm attempting to connect Kerio to an Open Directory instance. I'm using kinit to test the setup, and I get the following:
$ kinit -V -S host/[email protected] [email protected]
Please enter the password for [email protected]:
Kerberos Login Failed: Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm
This occurs, even though I am 100% sure that the password is correct. Either way, I am more concerned with regards to the part of the message that says
Kerberos Login Failed: Cannot resolve network address for KDC in requested realm
From the server running OD, and a second in house server I get the same error message. I can dig and ping server.domain.co.uk correctly from both servers, so it boggles my mind what could be wrong.
I need this to be working before I can move forward and connect up the Kerio instance to my OD.
default_realm = SERVER.domain.CO.UK
SERVER.domain.CO.UK = {
admin_server = server.domain.co.uk
kdc = server.domain.co.uk
domain.co.uk = SERVER.domain.CO.UK
.domain.co.uk = SERVER.domain.CO.UK
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc/kadmin.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc/kdc.log
SERVER is the real hostname for the machine in question, and domain.co.uk is my FQDN, or at least replacing my FQDN
Thanks for any assistance.
It looks like your REALM and KDC declarations might be a little off.
I could be wrong, but I'm thinking instead of
You'd want to put
The kerberos principal is username@realm, not username@domain, and the realm is case-sensitive, so please try your kinit for [email protected], capitalized exactly the way you have the realm capitalized in your conf.
The subtle distinction between server and realm is why your error is so hard to interpret - what it's trying to say is "I don't know what the server address would be for that REALM - I can't match that REALM to anything in the conf file."
add this in krb5.ini :
Answering old questions:
This issue IIRC turned out to be a combination of things
Once we found we we offered network management services to everyone sharing that space - and discovered that they shared a fibre connection - with all their routers patched to each other for 'failover' reasons.
This was the point that caused each company separate issues - until we rebuilt the lot :)
Just fell in same situation on Debian GNU/Linux jessie. Resolver inside kinit just did not work. strace shows kinit is asking Avahi-daemon via lib-mdns. I've removed avahi and kinit started working. The resume - either remove avahi-daemon or configure it properly.