This is the way recommended in the Chef Fast Start tutorial:
knife ssh name:mynode -a ipaddress -x ubuntu -i mycredentials.pem "sudo chef-client"
This is really clumsy. Is there really not a better way, or is the idea that in a real production environment, you'll have nodes auto-updating anyway?
You could use knife ssh to run chef-client on all boxes that contain a certain role or recipe:
Or if you're in EC2:
That'd pretty much how you get things started to begin with, but it only needs to be done once. The initial run of chef-client typically enables and starts the chef-client daemon as an init.d service.
If you really wanted to do it more elegantly, you could ditch knife-ssh and run ssh directly:
that will probably be faster, as knife-ssh does a search against the Chef server to fetch nodes matching the search term (in this case
), which you don't strictly need to do if you already know the IP address.You could use ansible to deploy and run chef-client.
$ ansible -i hosts all -a 'chef-client'
ansible is easily installed with pip:
pip install ansible
Your inventory file (in the example, named "hosts") might look like this:
[all] ansible_user=root ansible_user=root ansibel_user=root
(notice "all" is the name of the grouping in the configuration file for our example - this is arbitrary and can be anything. Your inventory file can also include other groupings as well, eg [web_wervers], [database_servers], [chef_servers], etc.)
So,again, putting it all together:
> ansible -i hosts all -a 'chef-client'
or maybe:
> ansible -i hosts all -a 'systemctl status'
I use Jenkins CI to manage the runs. Linux server is set up as a workstation and has Jenkins installed on it. So I can bootstrap the nodes with modified run_list. The bootstrapping process, anyway, runs chef-client at the end.
For the adhoc execution, the Jenkins job executes knife commands to modify the run_list for a node and to use the SSH plugin to execute chef-client on the desired node.
It's a pity that to dispatch a command to chef client we have to use ssh underline.
It seems that although every chef client has set up a secure connection with chef server, but chef server does not provide a command multiplexer over that secure connection, why?
There is a new command
in Chef Workstation:It will install
if not present and run the resource or cookbook you specify.Tutorial: