I have nginx+php-fpm on a server and the messages get truncated at 2048 chars, rendering the message quite unhelpful when a stack trace is logged : I can't see the following fields anymore:
- host (not interesting)
- upstream (not interesting)
- request (very very interesting)
- server (not interesting)
- client (not interesting, always because of our architecture)
How do you overcome this problem? Do you change the format? Or did you find a way to overcome this stupid 2048 chars limitation which I hear is hardcoded? Or to disable this backtrace?
It’s really hardcoded, you would have to edit the source file and compile nginx yourself. Have a look at the following file from the nginx source repository: http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/browser/nginx/trunk/src/core/ngx_log.h#L67
Increase it to what suites your needs.