I have 2 linux box configured with IPv4. I have tried adding IPv6 to them. I have issued this commands on box1:
ip -6 addr add fd32:2d7f:f3c1::1/48 dev eth0
And I get this:
inet6 addr: fd32:2d7f:f3c1::1/48 Scope:Global
Then I have issued this command on box2:
ip -6 addr add fd32:2d7f:f3c2::1/48 dev eth0
Back on box1 (command/response):
ping6 fd32:2d7f:f3c1::1
is alive!
ping6 fd32:2d7f:f3c2::1
ping6: sendto: Network is unreachable
Why doesn't box1 ping box2 (of course, also box2 can't ping box1)?
Look at your prefix, you are not on the same network.