I'm attempting a website cut-over. We want to preserve our external links by using 301 redirects. I have a lengthy list of redirects in a named location that resembles:
location @redirects {
rewrite ^/path/one.html$ http://www.ourdomain.tld/one-but-different permanent;
rewrite ^/path/two.html$ http://www.ourdomain.tld/two-but-different permanent;
rewrite ^/path/three.html$ http://www.ourdomain.tld/three-but-different permanent;
rewrite ^/path/four.html$ http://www.ourdomain.tld/four-but-different permanent;
(please note that even though it appears that my example shows a pattern, no pattern exists. In other words they are one-to-one redirects.)
I have a CMS web application that I'm using the following try_files statement currently (which has been working all along for falling back to the index.php script):
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
Now I'm attempting to use try_files to "look at" the redirects named location and processing the rewrite BEFORE falling back to index.php. Like this:
location / {
try_files @redirects $uri $uri/ /index.php;
However, the fallback is being triggered each time as the CMS is handling 404's. In other words, if I try http://www.ourdomain.tld/path/one.html, I get the 404 page for my CMS instead of a redirect! Is it possible to "try" a named location first or does the named location have to be the fallback?
I'm sure I'm doing this wrong. However, can someone point me in the right direction?
The right way is:
Please, avoid to use rewrites if possible. Nginx isn't Apache. URL rewriting is an inefficient and tricky way of configuring web server. Nginx prefers URL-mapping. The
prefix matching is very fast and efficient.https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/tutorials/config_pitfalls/
In the case of a very large number (500+) of redirects:
Another way you can do this is with a map.
An example; off the top of my head so check for syntax errors first...: