I would like to remove with purge all entries of locate and its database.
I tried
apt-get purge locate
rm /etc/updatedb*
But is the database gone also?
Where is the updatedb database located on debian squeeze?
I would like to delete it manually too, so I can cleanly reinstall it
man updatedb
search for 'FILES'
mine says:
No need to decompile the executable! Just kindly ask 'locate' :-)
For updatedb/locate (GNU findutils) version 4.6.0 try calling
For me (on cygwin) this yields someting like
On debian, the locate database is stored by default in
If you use
as search indexer:The mlocate database is stored at
see: How can I view updatedb database content, and then exclude certain files/paths?
I prefer to just strace the process, as it's going to lead you right there. This will be distribution agnostic and works if you don't have the man pages.
[REDACTED in 2017]: See above answer: locate --statistics works.
If you have an /etc/updatedb.conf, you can look in there. I don't. You can read the man page for locate, which says the default location is /var/cache/locate/locatedb. Mine isn't there. You can use locate itself to search for files named "updatedb" or "locatedb". I'm using Cygwin on Windows 7.
on mac --statistics is invalid
man locate
FILES /var/db/locate.database locate database