I'd like Apache index pages to show my company banner w/ link to homepage on top.
Instead of:
Index of /pub/something
to show
[Company Banner]
Index of /pub/something
I added these lines to .htaccess
HeaderName HEADER.html
ReadmeName README.html
and edited HEADER.html
to include banner with link but that banner is only shown to /pub
and not /pub/dir
THis is what i currently have in .htaccess:
Options +Indexes
HeaderName HEADER.html
ReadmeName README.html
I think I've got it.
You're using a relative path to your HEADER.html and your Readme.html. That makes Apache look for the files within whatever directory you're in.
Instead, the lines should (presumably) read something like this:
(of course, replace "pub" with whatever directory the files are actually in!)