If I use ldapsearch on my Active Directory to bring back members of the Engineers team I only see 25 users. However in AD there are almost 50 users in Engineers. What am I doing wrong?
ldapsearch -p 389 -h -D "CONTOSO\ADReadOnly" -w ************ -b "ou=ContosoUsers,dc=CONTOSO,dc=COM" -x "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=*)(memberof=cn=Engineers,ou=Teams,ou=ContosoUsers,dc=CONTOSO,dc=COM))" | grep sAMAccountName
Could it be that you don't have rights to read the group membership information (or other attributes?) of the "missing" objects? Try
ldapsearch -p 389 -h -D "CONTOSO\ADReadOnly" -w ************ -b "dc=CONTOSO,dc=COM" -x "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=A_MISSING_USERS_SAM))" *
Do you see the missing user's sAMAccountName? Do you see ANY attributes? If not, you probably have a permissions issue reading the object's attributes.
Also, are you sure the missing users are all under the