I dont know hos to setup Sendmail for outgoing mail use a specific local IP or or used domain IP.
Ex : 4 Ips :
- (default) bind to host.domain0.com
- bind to mail.domain1.com
- bind to mail.domain2.com
- bind to mail.domain3.com
And I whould like than any user who send email using mail.domain1.com use mail.domain1.com / as outgoning and not the default one / .
EX from the current mail header for any domain : from host.domain0.com (host.domain0.com [])
I see some feature like Mailertables, but can find an example who explain if it's the right feature for my problem.
Thanks a lot for your help. Mike
In fact I found the answer, and I hope it will be useful for other.
I simply add "b" to the Modifiers list in the DAEMON_OPTIONS. Ex : DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Name=MSA,Port=submission,Modifiers=abE')
By this way the sender who use mail.domain1.com as SMTP, the SMTP send now mail.domain1.com as mail server sender's host.
Simple, but hard to find a doc explain this process.