How would one get a --nogpgcheck
option to yum via puppet? I've tried
package { 'unsigned-package':
ensure => latest,
install_options => ['--nogpgcheck'],
package { 'unsigned-package':
ensure => latest,
install_options => ['nogpgcheck'],
but looking at the output from an agent run, yum isn't getting that option.
As an aside (and maybe the reason it's not working for me), how do I verify my puppet has the install_options feature?
I'm running puppet 3.3.0-rc2.
I have found that with puppet 3.7.1 passing 'install_options' to the yum provider works. I was able to successfully pass '--nogpgcheck' using it. Just update your puppet now.
I've been able to answer my second question, and it looks like install_options is not implemented for yum on 3.3.0-rc2.
And an answer to the real question, since this is a custom repository, the trick was to disable gpg checks. This can be done in the instantiation of the puppet yumrepo type, as in
Another option, as stated in my comment beneath the question would be to gpg sign the packages.
As of puppet 3.4.0