System is ArchLinux, and I'm using nss-pam-ldapd (0.8.13-4) to connect myself to ldap.
Relevant configuration files:
I've got my users and some groups in LDAP:
[root@kain tmp]# getent group
<localgroups snipped>
And I have some directories that are setgid video
so that the video group stays, and they're configured g=rwx so that members of the video
group can write to them:
[root@kain video]# ls -ld /srv/video
drwxrwxr-x 8 root video 208 Oct 19 20:49 /srv/video
However, members of that group, say dkowis
cannot write into that directory:
[root@kain video]# groups dkowis
mp3s music video software pictures dkowis
Total number of groups that dkowis is in is like 7, I redacted a few here.
[dkowis@kain wat]$ cd /srv/video
[dkowis@kain video]$ touch something
touch: cannot touch 'something': Permission denied
[dkowis@kain video]$ groups
dkowis mp3s music video software pictures
I'm at a loss as to why my groups show up in getent groups
, but my filesystem permissions are not being respected. I've tried making a new directory in /tmp
and setting it's group permissions to rwx, and then trying to write a file in there, it doesn't work. The only time it does work is if I open it wide up allowing o=rwx. That's obviously not what I want, and I'm not able to figure out what my missing piece is.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: stopping nscd had no effect either. It doesn't appear to be a caching problem.
EDIT: a bit of expirementing:
Locally defined groups work just fine, this seem to only affect LDAP groups, added to /etc/group:
mkdir /tmp/wat
chgrp test /tmp/wat
chmod g+rws /tmp/wat
su - dkowis
cd /tmp/wat
touch something
[dkowis@kain wat]$ ls -la
total 0
drwxrwsr-x 2 root test 60 Oct 22 11:26 .
drwxrwxrwt 8 root root 160 Oct 22 11:26 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 dkowis test 0 Oct 22 11:26 something
You're running into a namespace collision.
By default
is configured to look first at files then at external files ldap
.This means that the video group from
will match before the video group in ldap. This can be seen by runninggetent group video