Sorry for the long question. I try to add as many details as I have.
On server_1 I have a systems account user named backup which has a home directory where the cron jobs read the backup scripts.
backup@server_1~]$ ls
script_1 script_2 ...
On server_2 I have created a standard user "backup" to hold some repositories that are currently backed up on server_1. Those backed up fine for months. Now, I have added a link to a new repo in /srv which is owned by the user & group srv.
backup@server_2~]$ ls
drwxrwxr.. backup:backup repo_1
drwxrwxr.. backup:backup repo_2
lrwxrwx... backup:backup repo_3 -> /srv/repo_3
backup@server_2~]$ ls /srv
drwxrwxr.. srv:srv repo_3
^ notice the r, indicating any user should be able to read this data too.
I then added backup on server_2 into the srv group, so that backup should be able to read all the data for a sync down onto server_1.
root@server_2~]# usermod -a -G srv backup
Then I tried to rsync:
backup@server_1~]$ rsync -avi -e "ssh -i /home/backup/.ssh/server_2_ssh_key" \
backup@server_2/srv/repo_3 ./
The problem is, when I run the backup script, using the passwordless login from server_1, it fails to read data, because rsync is unable to change to directory /srv/repo_3 due to "permission denied" The same happens when I tried using the symlink.
backup@server_1~]$ rsync -avi -e "ssh -i /home/backup/.ssh/server_2_ssh_key" \
backup@server_2/home/backup/repo_3 ./
Then I even logged in using the backup users key pair to server_1 and I am unable to even list the contents of /srv/repo_3
I happen to have another standard user account on server_2 which uses an SSH Key Login that has a password. When I login that way, "user_2" is am able to list the contents of /srv
So, I copied the second users' ssh key from server_2 into /home/backup/.ssh/ssh_key_w_password on server_1, and added the public part to backup's trusted hosts on server_2. Then I tried the backup using that key.
backup@server_1~]$ rsync -avi -e "ssh -i /home/backup/.ssh/ssh_key_w_password" \
backup@server_2/home/backup/repo_3 ./
Password for ssh_key_w_password:
I enter the password and the backup ran correctly, even though user_2 is not even in the backup or srv group on server_2. It works by the symlink or by the direct location /srv/repo_3.
Some user details:
backup@server_2~]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep backup
backup@server_2~]$ groups
backup srv
user_2@server_2~]# cat /etc/passwd | grep user_2
root@server_2~]# groups user_2
user_2@server_2~]$ cat /etc/passwd | grep srv
user_2@server_2~]$ groups srv
srv : srv mycorp 4h jndj ax
There we are. The only difference I can find from my side is that backup uses a passwordless key-pair from server_1, while the other standard user has the password on the SSH key.
Can anyone help me understand what is different or what I am missing? I must have backup on server_1 use the pwordless login to run the sync. I cannot allow server_2 to sync up to server_1.
Update: re: MadHatter's comment Login direct fails as backup from server1 because the password based login is not permitted. But using the password-less key returns output (as does the same attempt with the password key from the other user.
[backup@server_1 ~]$ ssh backup@server_2 "id -a"
backup@server_2's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
[backup@server_1 ~]$ ssh -i .ssh/backup_server_2_ssh.key backup@server_2 "id -a"
uid=1008(backup) gid=1008(backup) groups=1008(backup),1021(srv)
[backup@server_1 ~]$
[backup@server_1 ~]$ ssh -i .ssh/ssh_key_w_password user_2@server_2 "id -a"
Enter passphrase for key '.ssh/ssh_key_w_password':
uid=1012(user_2) gid=1012(user_2) groups=1012(user_2)
[backup@server_1 ~]$
For reference, this is the fail log messages from rsync when I just tried again using the passwordless login as root on server_1.
[root@server_1 ~]# bash /home/backup/
2013-11-18 12:24:14 - ************ Backup Robot Checking In **********
.... login and mount backup destination goes ok here rsync fail is below ....
2013/11/18 12:24:20 [920] receiving file list
2013/11/18 12:24:20 [920] rsync: change_dir "/srv" failed: Permission denied (13)
2013/11/18 12:24:20 [920] sent 8 bytes received 10 bytes 12.00 bytes/sec
2013/11/18 12:24:20 [920] total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
2013/11/18 12:24:20 [920] rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1505) [receiver=3.0.6]
[root@server_1 ~]#
Sorry to have bothered everyone.
To rule out any ssh key idea, i made a password key for backup and it also failed. So, I concluded it was not related and must be based on the permissions in /srv. I am not the admin there, so I conferred it up the ladder to wait for response.
And, it turns out the /home/srv directory was not given the same permissions as the repo.
So, for some reason the srv group was not given access to it's own folder. LOL. That prevented backup from entering the folder and blocked access, while user_2 could read, not being in the srv group.
Apologies again for this frivolous ticket. I only paste the answer here, to hide it from the unanswered queue.