I have a main router ( (lan), (vpn server)) connected to 5 other GW via VPN. Every gateway can ping every other one, and the PC behind them. One of my router, (lan), (vpn), has access to another network (10.10.10.x) and I want to give all my network access to it.
On the main router I added a route: netmask gw
when I run a traceroute, I don't even have a first hop. If I remove the route, the first hop is internet (which is the default). I can ping and everything behind it. On the remote router, I don't see any icmp packet from while pinging a host on the 10.10.x.x network. THe remote router can ping the 10.10.x.x network and access it whitout issues.
Focusing on just the main router and the remote 10.10.x.x:
You'll need (assuming straight VPN tunnels between the routers and not a managed network in the middle):
You would need to have at least some understanding though of your routers and VPN tunnels and how they are configured and what commands to run to accomplish the above.
There may even be things beyond what I've mentioned. without knowing your network and the configs involved, it is a difficult thing to answer outright.