Thank you, serverfault, for giving me the answer to how-does-an-administrator-generalize-alerting-when-an-event-doesnt-happen.
Now, I only want to check the freshness of these passive services Monday through Friday.
There are some subtleties:
- The status should be allowed to improve over the weekend.
- The status should never degrade over the weekend.
- Notifications should still be emitted over the weekend.
Best I can come up with is YACS - Yet Another Cron Script (to shave). But even then, wouldn't the service definitions need to be toggled every week? Is this service definition dynamism often done with Nagios?
You can use time periods in Nagios :
If you want different behaviours between Week days and Week-end, i cannot see another way to do it without duplicate the service check :
Configure your first service check with a time period from Monday to Friday, and with the required behaviour for this period.
Then, configure the duplicated service check with a time period from Saturday to Sunday, and with the required behaviour for this period.
I don't like the duplicate service idea, but i am not aware about other ways to do it...that is actually the way i proceed myself in my Nagios config...